Welcome, witches

Welcome to The Bitching Hour,  a weekly dose of witchy commentary on the good, the bad, and the gay (mostly the gay) from Mia and Maggie. We’re here to talk about the queer things we love and the queer things we don’t love, from books to bad lesbian Netflix movies to breakups and everything in between. So come listen to us talk about literally whatever we want!

Mia is a two-time women’s college student, yeast-loving sourdough starter femme, and body double for Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. If she were a candle scent, it would be “bruschetta lavender.” She is currently in nursing school at Simmons and lives with her best friend of 20 years and a cat named Camp Counselor.

Maggie is a bitch, a lover, a child, and a research assistant in delirium prevention at a geriatric hospital. They hope to be an occupational therapist one day, but they would settle for widespread podcast fame, if that’s what it comes down to. Maggie lives with her cool girlfriend like 4 minutes from Mia.

You can find us on Twitter, Insta, and SoundCloud via the banner below, and be sure to subscribe on iTunes or Google Play!


Header photo credit: The Bosco